
Welcome to Wake Up Wednesday, where we take a moment to slow down and WAKEUP to a new awareness.

Have you ever felt like your mood?

Emotions and day are affected by the way others around you are behaving? When people engage and show interest in you. your body responds in a satisfying way. And, on the contrary, when people are rude to you, you feel down. Of course, that is a common quick human reaction to those circumstances but what happens over time is that we become dependent on others to feel good or not. We give our power away and become dependent on others for our happiness. Today we will WAKEUP to the awareness that we are, in fact ,ALWAYS in control of our own wellbeing. We ALWAYS have a choice on how we choose to react to any given situation and whether or not we are going to raise our vibration to something more satisfying or go down the rabbit hole of negativity. It may sound easier said than done but that is only because it’s become ingrained and conditioned into your daily practice.

Once you have an awareness of the cycle you are in, you can then create new habits that will benefit your experiences.

When we sit in stillness/silence for 10-15 minutes a day, we quiet our minds which then allows us to stop the negative thinking and begin to let new ideas and new ways of dealing with things take form. Take some time to recognize the observer part of you- the part that is just aware and watching as the thoughts and behaviors come and go. No judgment is involved. This is your higher self. This is the part of you that you want to connect with and listen to. This is the part of you that has your back and loves you unconditionally. When you nurture your relationship with this part of you, your life will begin to unfold in surprisingly satisfying and exciting ways.

Joelle Kantor

At the age of 45, married with three children, a dog and a cat, I received the loudest wake up call of my life from the Universe. I fell down hard and fast while jogging and sustained my fourth head injury.

That forth TBI sent me spiraling down a very dark tunnel of agony, desperation and depression. For three long years I searched high and low for answers that would heal me and relieve me from my nightmare.

While that was the most excruciating time in my life, I will forever be full of gratitude to have been reunited with myself. I was able to dive deep into my own personal discovery and development and transform my life in a way that allowed me to find both my passion and my purpose.

Today, it warms my heart to have the privilege of sharing my insights and helping others to discover their own self love, purpose and passion, through my books, affirmation cards and coaching services.




Moving forward